- Parents
- Accountability Report Card
- Bus Service
- Closed Campus - Attendance
- Care of Valuables
- Dress Code Policy
- Graduation Requirements
- Medication at School
- Messages
- Newsletters
- Notification of Camera Surveillance System
- Parent Involvement
- Parent Portal
- Parent Teacher Student Conferences
- Site Council
- Student Activites
- Student Support Specialist
- Student Study Team (SST)
- Saturday School
- Tardy Policy
- Textbooks
Tardy Policy
It is important for your student to attend school every day and to be on time in order for them to be academically successful and a responsible young adult. All students who are tardy to school must report to the school office before going to class. The student must have a note from home explaining why they were late, or a parent/guardian may accompany the student to explain. Students are expected to plan their time effectively so that they will arrive to school and classes on time. LHS will issue consequences for 5 or more unexcused tardies
A student with 25 or more unexcused tardies is considered “excessive” and will result in a referral to our District’s Saturday School located at 1919 B Street, Marysville. Referrals will be sent to our Attendance and Discipline Office at 749-6901. Failure to attend Saturday School will result in a 1 day suspension and a citation to our Yuba County Attendance Review Board (SARB).