- Parents
- Accountability Report Card
- Bus Service
- Closed Campus - Attendance
- Care of Valuables
- Dress Code Policy
- Graduation Requirements
- Medication at School
- Messages
- Newsletters
- Notification of Camera Surveillance System
- Parent Involvement
- Parent Portal
- Parent Teacher Student Conferences
- Site Council
- Student Activites
- Student Support Specialist
- Student Study Team (SST)
- Saturday School
- Tardy Policy
- Textbooks
Student Activites
Students may participate in extra/co-curricular activities provided the students:
- Maintain a minimum grade point average (GPA) of at least a 2.0 during the quarter immediately prior to the season and during the season.
- Are enrolled in 6 classes and pass 5 classes each grading quarter with no more than 1 failing class.
- Apply for probation status if they fail to earn a 2.0 GPA and have a maximum of 1 failing class for a quarter, with a GPA of 1.83 or higher. Students are eligible for probation twice during their 8 semesters at a MJUSD high school (1 during their first 4 semesters and 1 during their last 4 semesters).
- Have insurance coverage (if athlete) against accidental injury/hospitalization by insurance policy of $1,500 (mandated by CA Ed. Code).
- Have physical exam (athletes) prior to their first practice. Students must not participate in practice or athletic event until he/she has been cleared by a physician (CIF 173).
- Have good school attendance to be eligible to participate.
A complete packet of requirements, including the clearance form, is available at LHS in the Principals Office, Activities Office, or the Athletic Office.