- Parents
- Accountability Report Card
- Bus Service
- Closed Campus - Attendance
- Care of Valuables
- Dress Code Policy
- Graduation Requirements
- Medication at School
- Messages
- Newsletters
- Notification of Camera Surveillance System
- Parent Involvement
- Parent Portal
- Parent Teacher Student Conferences
- Site Council
- Student Activites
- Student Support Specialist
- Student Study Team (SST)
- Saturday School
- Tardy Policy
- Textbooks
Saturday School
Saturday School is offered as an alternative way for students to make up absences or, in some cases, as an alternative discipline intervention. For habitual truants, Saturday School may be mandated as a way to make up missed classes. Students and parents will be notified at least one week in advance of their Saturday School assignment.
If student fails to serve Saturday School he/she may be assigned other disciplinary action and be assigned Campus Beautification or In-House Suspension. If student fails to complete with the assign consequences, he/she will be suspended.