- Parents
- Accountability Report Card
- Bus Service
- Closed Campus - Attendance
- Care of Valuables
- Dress Code Policy
- Graduation Requirements
- Medication at School
- Messages
- Newsletters
- Notification of Camera Surveillance System
- Parent Involvement
- Parent Portal
- Parent Teacher Student Conferences
- Site Council
- Student Activites
- Student Support Specialist
- Student Study Team (SST)
- Saturday School
- Tardy Policy
- Textbooks
Notification of Camera Surveillance System
For safety purposes, digital video equipment will be used to monitor student behavior on campus (and in common areas on campus). Cameras are installed to protect controlled access areas, wherever possible. Students will not be told when the equipment is being used. Video recording will be treated as other student records. The principal will review the tapes as needed to document student misconduct. A parent who wants to view a videotape of the incident leading to the discipline of his or her child may request access to the portion relating to their child by writing to the superintendent or her designee, within twenty-four hours. All other access is limited to designated school personnel.