- Parents
- Accountability Report Card
- Bus Service
- Closed Campus - Attendance
- Care of Valuables
- Dress Code Policy
- Graduation Requirements
- Medication at School
- Messages
- Newsletters
- Notification of Camera Surveillance System
- Parent Involvement
- Parent Portal
- Parent Teacher Student Conferences
- Site Council
- Student Activites
- Student Support Specialist
- Student Study Team (SST)
- Saturday School
- Tardy Policy
- Textbooks
Care of Valuables
Students are not to bring expensive personal items or unnecessary amounts of money to school. The school makes every attempt to help students safeguard their valuables: however, the care of valuables is the responsibility of the students. Students can help the school protect and prevent the loss of valuables by keeping personal property with them at all times. Please be aware the District will not be responsible for any damaged, lost, or stolen personal property.