Tiffany Embry - Guidance Counselor
Griselda Flores - Guidance Counselor
Jimmy Graben - Guidance Counselor
Kenny Her - Guidance Counselor
Alex Mora - Guidance Counselor
Susan Moua - Registrar
Cassandra Almaguer - Guidance Counselor Secretary
Fernando Ibarra - Attendance Clerk
Yesenia Lepe - Attendance Clerk
Principal - Dr. Merrill M. Grant

Our core mission is to provide a safe, supportive climate where students thrive in the academic and extra-curricular offerings our school provides. I will employ over 29 years of experience as a school administrator in ensuring that we bring the best efforts forward in this mission.
It will be a great 24-25 academic year.
If I can assist you in any way please reach out. We are here to serve. GO BLAZERS!
(530) 741-6150 ext. 2504
Lindhurst High School is committed to Guiding and Preparing all Our Students for Success.
Lindhurst High School recognizes the importance of ensuring all students are college or career ready. To that end, Lindhurst High School not only offers a wide range of college preparatory classes, advanced placement course and dual enrollment college courses aligned with Yuba Community College but also a robust and extensive career pathways offerings focused trades featuring: Culinary, Ag Mechanics (welding), Wood Residential Construction, Automotive Technology, Multimedia Productions, Ornamental Horticulture and an Airforce Junior ROTC program that features a certified pilot’s ground school component for our fourth year advanced students.
Motivated: Motivated, responsible, happy, prideful Involved, strong curricular and extracurricular programs Increase school spirit
Challenged: Consistent/high expectations, Excellence, Embrace challenges, perseverance
Prepared: Provide skills for employment and career, Ability to use technology, Understand and know how to problem solve, evaluate sources, and use common sense
Reflective: Evolving teaching and learning practices, Viable and valid assessments
Thank you for visiting our website. Please contact us regarding any questions that you may have.